Release notes
Scorpion camera drivers for HVGrab cameras.
Automatically stop/restart grabbing when writing a changed value to parameters
Fixed ip request as a numeric value, 30sep2024, MVS 4.3.2
VisualStudio 2022 rebuild
Grid has collapse all/expand all for the parameter groups
collapse status is retained through fav/mon-fav modes and driver reload
utility libraries reviewed in light of C++20
Scorpion system log messages:
#:ERR:Camera disconnect
#:IMP:Camera reconnect, 30aug2024, MVS 4.3.2
camera disconnect messages not sent anymore to Scorpion by tcpip
parameters ReconnectSendMsg, ReconnectMsgPort are removed
specially formatted ERR and INFO messages are printed on console and parsed in System Log, 13aug2024, MVS 4.3.2
new MVS version
send message to Scorpion on camera connection loss or reconnect
new parameters ReconnectSendMsg, ReconnectMsgPort
-, 03jul2024, MVS 4.1
Camera reconnect on connection loss
new parameters ReconnectOnLoss, ReconnectWaitSeconds, ReconnectTryCount
-, 15dec2023, MVS 4.1
EnconderControl and FrequencyConverter sections updated for linescan cameras
-, 12oct2023, MVS 4.1
Image compression support for all modes, by using MVS conversion to BGR for all modes except Mono8
Calling Scorpion CB directly from within camera CB, intermediate buffer is eliminated
New parameter - MVS internal buffer count; default is 3
-, 5oct2023, MVS 4.1
Support for compressed image mode (when camera provides feature). Currently supported only for RGB8 mode.
Support all formats in non-compressed mode
GevPersistentSubnetMask/GevPersistentIPAddress/GevPersistentDefaultGateway parameters are readonly in the driver. Use MVS IP tools for network configuration
GevMACAddress and GevMCDA printed in HEX
-, 28sep2023, MVS 4.1
Replaced part of now obsolete API functions:
MV_CC_ConvertPixelType replaced by MV_CC_ConvertPixelTypeEx
MV_CC_Get(Set)IntValue replaced by MV_CC_Get(Set)IntValueEx
MV_CC_Get(Set)PixelFormat replaced by generic MV_CC_SetEnumValue
MV_CC_TriggerSoftwareExecute replaced by generic MV_CC_SetCommandValue
MV_CC_GetBalanceWhiteAuto replaced by generic MV_CC_GetEnumValue
MV_CC_Get(Set)BalanceRatioRed(Green/Blue) replaced by generic MV_CC_SetEnumValue (the selector) and MV_CC_Get(Set)IntValueEx
MV_XML_UpdateNodeFeature replaced by generic MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString
Manual BalanceRatioRed(Green/Blue) parameters now created whenever BalanceRatio selector is encountered, instead of BalanceColorTemperatureMode, which is not always present
-, 25sep2023, MVS 4.1
rebuilt against new MVS version (4.1)
-, 26oct2022, MVS 3.4.3 Important upgrade for PTP protocol
CU camera support - includes all cameras that provide (only) Bayer encoded stream
Changed method of internal conversion of grabbed images for Scorpion
New ForceColorMode parameter in General section
required to be set for Bayer color cameras
otherwise, ‘auto’ mode is sufficient
New parameters related to Bayer image conversion - BayerGamma, BayerCvtQuality and BayerMatrix
-, 26oct2022, MVS 3.4.3 Important upgrade for PTP protocol
PTP - Precision Time Protocol
Action support
Sync mutliple camera using PTP
Update User Guide
Frame counters and timestamps from camera
Image buffer is cleared after sending to Scorpion
Userguide updated, new sections added
-, 31mar2022, MVS 3.4.0 Support of camera AcquisitionMode: SingleFrame - New
New property SyncContinousMode (General section)
will synchronize Scorpion continous with AcquisitionMode
Set SyncContinousMode to True to enable
default value is False
Purpose is to avoid ContinousMode when running SingleFrame or SW Trigger
will stop the continous flow of images
if AcquisitionMode is in SingleFrame - assuming SyncContinousMode = True
Scorpion Grab (snapshot) will issue AcquisitionStart automatically
This avoids having to issue AcquisitionStart - for each image to be grabbed in SingleFrame mode
Camera commands are now exposed. Command is issued by setProperty(cmdname, 1)
Gui update:
double-click on enumerated parameter name cycles to the next value from the list (the same as in bool parameters)
-, 15mar2022, MVS 3.4.0
StartGrab issued like in pre-38 versions
-, 10mar2022, MVS 3.4.0
StartGrabbing/StopGrabbing now tied to ScorpionGrab command (used to be automatically started in camera open)
initial 8/24 bit resolution fixed
analog settings updated
color correction matrix
better response to ‘Apply’ while in open settings dialog
-, 22dec2021, MVS 3.1.0
BalanceRGB settings now appear correctly
favourites restored correctly even if many favourites are being used
-, 8dec2021, MVS 3.1.0
fixed initial black image for color mode
-, 14oct2021, MVS 3.1.0 bugfix for build 33
Configuration management added to files in Hardware directory
ini file load and save from python, alternative location setting
more information in User Guide
used for backup and save without user update dialog
Bugfix - lost camera configuration when upgrading to
copy HikVision.ini into hvgrab.ini if run for the first time
-, 21apr2021, MVS 3.1.0 - not to be used upgrade to build 35 or higher
new parameter configuration dialog
‘IniFile’ property to set alternative ini file
Import, Export parameters
-, 27nov2020, MVS 3.1.0
logLevel parameter is hidden and after reload will always reset to 1
-, 11may2020, MVS 3.1.0
setting from script: UserSetLoad, UserSetSave, UserSetDefault
-, 11may2020, MVS 3.1.0
-, 29apr2020, MVS 3.1.0
Rebuild against MVS 3.1
Device reset from python script, e.g. python.setProperty(“DeviceReset”, 1)
Load camera parameters stored in camera ROM, e.g. python.setProperty(“UserSet”, n), n=0..3
Camera parameter handling updated (fixes camera reloads)
HDR parameters, shutter and gain
Editing of IP address
- - 09nov2018, min Scorpion Vision version, MVS 3.0.0
Fixed scaling of Gamma in get and getrange calls as in set calls. Scaled by 1000.
Fixed floating point exception for readonly parameters reading parameter features
- - 19oct2018, min Scorpion Vision version, MVS 3.0.0
Binning parameters applied before width and height
fixing high cpu consumption in idle loop introduced in
-, 09oct2018, MVS 3.0.0
driver rebuilt against v3.0.0 libraries
- - 03mar2018, min Scorpion Vision version, MVS 2.3.1
Issued to fix severe property access with color cameras
used libraries from MVS 2.2.3
used camera image callback mode, no polling
Color is corrected - swapping color bytes manually
SetProperty does not call subsequent update from camera
GetProperty reads values from camera
GetRange fixed
- - 06dec2017, min Scorpion Vision version, MVS 2.3.1
increased speed of camera grabbing loop
gamma set as integer value x1000 (e.g 700 -> 0.7)
get property ‘framenumber’ provides last frame number from the camera
MVS 2.3.1 removes requirement for admin privileges for using HVGrab driver
- - 24oct2017, min Scorpion Vision version, MVS 2.2.3, 24oct2017
camera name includes serial#
- - 19oct2017
image retrieval by polling
camera name saved along with camera parameters – prevents loading parameters from a different camera
changes in handling of genicam parameters
sony xcg camera support (via genicam)
- - 18sep2017
color support
- - 15sep2017, min Scorpion Vision version, MVS 2.2.2
initial test version